City of Portland DEI PBOT Transportation Trimet

Transportation System Plan Community Advisory Committee

Transportation System Plan Community Advisory Committee apps due 5/14/2025.

Help shape the future of transportation in Portland! The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is recruiting applications for up to 30 new Transportation System Plan (TSP) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members.   The Community Advisory Committee will advise the Director of PBOT, support project team staff by advising on key tasks throughout each phase of the 2045 TSP workplan, and will focus on policies and outcomes of technical analyses while providing valuable insights into community values and investment priorities.  

Background:  The TSP is a requirement of Oregon’s statewide planning process and the transportation element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Under the state’s updated Transportation Planning Rules, developing the capital project list and considering revenue sources for both maintaining and improving the system will be more important than ever. The purpose of these new rules is to align transportation planning with the State’s equity and climate goals.   

Being part of this Community Advisory Committee is a great opportunity to gain experience in working with the city, learn more about city planning and TSP strategies that:  Support the City’s commitment to Vision Zero by saving lives and reducing injuries to all people using our transportation system;   Help transit and freight vehicles to move more reliably;   Reduce carbon emissions and promote positive health outcomes;   Support a strong and diverse economy;   Create great civic corridors, neighborhoods and other thriving places; and   Design a multimodal system that supports all of the above goals.  Committee activities typically include reviewing policy and planning materials while critically evaluating technical information and participating in facilitated discussions to inform the plan’s development.

The committee will meet approximately seven (7) times starting in May 2025, for two hours each, until anticipated formal legislative process aimed by the end of 2027.  Most meetings are anticipated to be hybrid meetings.  “The Transportation System Plan recognizes the critical links between transportation and other societal, climate and equity goals,” says Maria Hernandez Segoviano, PBOT’s Senior Community Engagement Coordinator. “The planning process is more than merely listing capital projects. It requires developing strategies for operating, managing, maintaining, and financing the transportation system in such a way as to advance the city’s long-term goals. As a member, you will be able to be part of these important discussions. Not an expert? No problem! Your lived experience is your expertise. Join us today!” 

Eligibility: To be eligible for the advisory committee, members must live, play, worship, go to school, work and/or do business in the City of Portland. Additionally, we aim to achieve a range, diversity, and balance of the following representation among members:   Portland Geographic districts Property owners; Business owners or operators; Advocacy groups; Community organizations;  Transportation interest groups; Civic institutions; Representatives from underserved populations (as stipulated per OAR 660-012-0125) including but not limited to: Black and African-American people; Indigenous people (including Tribe, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hawaii Native);People of Color (including, but not limited to Hispanic, Latina/o/x, Asian, Arabic or North African, Middle Eastern, Pacific Island, and mixed-race or mixed-ethnicity populations);Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants and refugees; People with limited English proficiency; People with disabilities; People experiencing homelessness; Low-income and low-wealth community members; Low- and moderate-income renters and homeowners; Single parents/solo parents; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or two-spirit community members; and Youth and seniors. 

Apply Today!

We want people from every part of Portland to share their voice on this committee! If you want to serve your community and help shape the future of Portland, we strongly encourage you to apply. Learn more and apply today.

Applications are due on or before April 14, 2025. Selected members will be notified of their appointment by early May, and the first meeting is anticipated to be late May.   

Support:  It is City policy to provide translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and services to allow all CAC members (and members of the public wishing to attend CAC meetings) the right to meaningful access for their engagement. To that end, PBOT may distribute stipends offered/ funded by Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to support equitable engagement in the City’s 2045 TSP update (up to, but not guaranteed at, $500/ calendar year per CAC member). These funds are intended to offset and reduce barriers to CAC engagement by underserved populations as defined in DLCD rules and are provided by DLCD. In person meetings that take place during regular mealtimes may include light meals or snacks proportional to anticipated CAC member in person attendance. PBOT may additionally provide Smart Park parking vouchers, TriMet Hop Cards, or arrange rides through Broadway Cab for CAC members who need them to access in-person meetings or to attend hybrid meetings in person. 

Please direct any questions you may have about this volunteer opportunity to Francesca Jones at

For more information:Francesca Jones  |  Senior City Transportation  |  503-865-6214