Despite construction delays, PBOT’s Safe Routes To Schools program (SRTS) continues to complete work and add projects to SWHRL neighborhoods; most recently, crews installed “crosswalk closed” barricades on the south side of the SW Vista Ave/SW Spring St interesction. A striped crosswalk will be placed on the north side of the intersection. Modifcations to SW Vista traffic lanes on the south side are still pending.
Next project in the pipeline will be traffic-calming measures along SW16th Ave, from SW Spring St to SW Clifton – this street is a major cut-through route for commuters avoiding the tunnel, and high speeds endanger children crossing to get to Ainsworth or buses to other schools. Work will consist of speed cushions and new speed-limit signage; in addition, a markd crosswalk will be installed on the south side of the SW 16th/SW Elizabeth St. intersection. This project is funded, and will begin next year.

Several other SRTS school projects in SWHRL boundaries have been identified, but remain unfunded. A map of all SRTS projects is here: