News about the Environmental Overlay Zone Map Correction Project: Testify on the As Amended Proposed Draft

You are invited to review and testify on amendments to the Proposed Draft Ezone Map Correction Project.
The amendments are based on changes to maps of streams, tree canopy, steep slopes and wetlands. You can view those changes through the Ezone Map App by looking up a street address. On the map, you can “turn on and off” information such as streams or forests, as well as the proposed conservation ‘c’ and protection ‘p’ zones.
You can use the Ezone Map App to submit written testimony by clicking on the “Testify” button.
Contact staff at:
About the Ezone Map Correction Project
As part of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, City Council adopted a new Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) for the City of Portland. The existing environmental overlay zones, which have been applied over the past 30 years, do not match the newly mapped resources in the NRI. The City needs to “true up” the environmental overlay zones to align with the actual features needing protection – streams, wetlands, flood areas, steep slopes, forests and wildlife habitat. This is part of bringing the zoning code into compliance with the new 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

About the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) develops creative and practical solutions to enhance Portland’s livability, preserve distinctive places and plan for a resilient future. BPS collaborates with community partners to provide comprehensive land use, neighborhood, district, economic, historic and environmental planning, and urban design; research, policy and technical services to advance green building, energy efficiency and the use of solar and renewable energy, waste prevention, composting and recycling, and a sustainable food system; and, policy and actions to address climate change.
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