Council will vote on time, place, and manner restrictions to public camping on May 31.
This is an important step to connect people camping in public spaces to services while at the same time ensuring access is free from obstruction to parks, sidewalks, public spaces, and businesses.
You can request to testify in-person, remotely via Zoom, and by submitting written testimony. Please sign up and have your voice heard.
If you choose to show support of 451, here is some suggested language for written testimony: “I support Item 451 amending the city code to update existing public camping restrictions. Camping in public places needs to be banned from 8am to 8pm everyday of the week. Further, public camping in and around parks, sidewalks, schools and daycare centers should be prohibited. Camps should not obstruct access to private property or businesses. Individuals should not set up permanent structures, accumulate garbage or hazardous materials, assemble or offer to sell multiple bicycles, cars, or other parts.”
Details for Wednesday, May 31st City Council Vote (2:30PM) – Item 451
If you are able to testify, you have to sign up ahead of time. The sooner you sign up, the earlier you will be on the list: https://www.portland.gov/council-clerk/testimony-registration?session_id=10076&agenda_items=10160 You can do so in person or remotely.
Please consider submitting written testimony. Go here: https://www.portland.gov/council-clerk/writtentestimony and select agenda item 451. You can choose support, support with changes, or oppose.
At the very least, People For Portland make it easy to just sent your support: https://speak4.app/lp/06065c/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=hf_p4p_hfm_sa-hf&utm_campaign=20230525_Activation_people_hf_hfm_6911288_sa-hf_email_&utm_content=petition
Here’s the bill:
PRESS RELEASE – Updates to Portland’s Camping Code Coming to Portland City Council May 31.pdf
Here’s the agenda: https://www.portland.gov/council/agenda (AFTERNOON session)