SWHRL has big news here: previously, SWHRL members cleared up the path behind the guardrail on the last stretch before I-405, and PBOT removed a small section of guardrail at the upper end to allow easy access to that trail. This allowed pedestrians to get out of the road, and has seen heavy use, despite its […]
SW Montgomery, bike greenway and crossings – The new configuration at SW Patton and SW Greenway seems to be working well, as are the two crossings at either end of the SW Montgomery greenway (SW Patton, and SW Vista).
Ainsworth School – Safe Routes to School is still planning to install traffic-calming devices at the intersection of SW Spring and SW Vista, including a new crosswalk. Work has been delayed, but was expected soon. No word on whether the Annex crosswalk will get any traffic control aside from some plastic wands. A plan for […]
As some of you know, SW Trails #6 to Downtown has been cut off for some time, as the link between the stairs at SW Vista and SW Mill St. Terrace was closed by the property owner. While SWHRL is still looking for a way to re-establish this particular link, another has arisen: the path […]

Our November 17, 2021, board meeting featured a very informative conversation on property taxes with Multnomah County Assessor Mike Vaughn. Mike explained how taxes are assessed, discussed the inequities in the system, and answered neighbors’ questions.
Property Tax Increase Discount Deadline
Property owners can receive a 3% discount by paying in full by Nov. 15. Taxes can be paid online using an electronic check at proptax.multco.us, by phone at 1-833-610-5715, at several 24-hour drop boxes, by mail or in-person at the county headquarters, 501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., in Portland. Full Article: https://pamplinmedia.com/go/42-news/526980-421211-multnomah-county-property-taxes-up-8-owners-owe-22b#:~:text=Property%20owners%20should%20have%20already,the%20Nov.%2015%20due%20date.&text=Multnomah%20County%20itself%20only%20gets,according%20to%20a%20news%20release.
News about the Environmental Overlay Zone Map Correction Project: Testify on the As Amended Proposed Draft You are invited to review and testify on amendments to the Proposed Draft Ezone Map Correction Project. The amendments are based on changes to maps of streams, tree canopy, steep slopes and wetlands. You can view those changes through the Ezone Map App by […]
To a school or TriMet bus? For the dog? The excercise? Do you do so on a sidewalk? Many of your fellow SWHRL residents (and for that matter, SW Portlanders in general) do not have that basic foundation of pedestrian safety: a sidewalk, or any other travel surface separated from traffic, often rendering a simple […]
Child Tax Credit
October 23, 2021 Friends – We are reaching out with important information about the Child Tax Credit, including the upcoming deadline for non-tax filers to sign up and helpful resources for you to share with your communities. Thank you in advance for helping us spread the word about the Child Tax Credit, which is already […]
Neighbors West-Northwest also has trash grabbers and graffiti removal supplies available for loan for groups organizing their own cleanup efforts. Contact staff to reserve a time.