Committee Chair Email:
Heritage Path in coordination with PSU
“We want to highlight the cultural significances of both Council Crest for the native population and the Central City Park for all Portlanders. SW Hills Residential League would like to create a heritage path between Council Crest and the park block shared by the PSU Native American Student and Community Center and the PSU Children’s Playground, We would landscape the bridge over 1-405 along the South Park Blocks with heritage plants and install historical markers and lighting along the Max Pedestrian Path leading to Council Crest. Local artists would be commissioned to help design the signs and tribes will be invited to guide the narrative. The history and walkability of the southwest hills goes deep, and we intend to let the story be rediscovered and expanded.” –Divinity Oliver, PSU Student of Environmental Science
Student Internship Opportunity
SWHRL had a very successful experience with two interns to help us design and manage a neighborhood outreach campaign to increase, diversify, and better serve our membership. Internship will run June 1-July 8, with the bulk of work taking place June 13-30. Each intern received a stipend of $500 for approximately 33 hours of work, to be paid in two installments upon satisfactory completion of projects.