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Traffic Advisory: West Hills Routes

Traffic Advisory: Major West Hills routes to remain closed for several days as utility, forestry and other crews work to clear power lines, downed trees (April 11, 2022) The first substantial April snow in Portland in more than half a century has felled more than 400 trees across the city, felling power lines and blocking […]

Environmental Home Meeting PBOT Trails Transportation

4/20: Our Roads, Our Hills, Our Future

SWHRL General Membership MeetingWednesday, April 207:00-8:30 pm On Zoom: Our Roads, Our Hills, Our Future Featured speakers: Metro Councilor Duncan Hwang (District 6), on Metro’s planned transportation projects and Climate Smart Strategy and how they will affect our neighborhood Terri Preeg Riggsby, candidate for District 6 Metro Council, on planning a transportation infrastructure centered […]

Home PBOT PPS Transportation


Another part of the Ainsworth Safe-Routes-to-School project is completed. A new crosswalk was added and the traffic-slowing diverter has had some wands and signage added for safety. They even repainted road striping and replaced the battered wands and bases in front of the Vista Spring Cafe! These installations have already had a noticeable effect on […]

Home PBOT Safety Transportation

SW Broadway Drive’s Marx Pedestrian Pathway is Finished!

At long last, pedestrians traveling on SW Broadway Drive to or from downtown need no longer walk unsafely in the roadway on the lowest stretch. PBOT has finished the protected shoulder down to SW Sherman St! SWHRL would like to thank PBOT for making this happen, especially Pedestrian Coordinator Michelle Marx, City Engineer Wendy Cawley, […]

City of Portland Home Livability PBOT Safety Transportation

SW Hoffman traffic light issues – UPDATE

The future of the light is in question – is there a better solution? UPDATE – PBOT indicates that the temporary stop signs will remain for 90 days to evaluate their effectiveness; PBOT will then make a decision on fixing the signal or making the stop signs permanent. As you’ve no doubt noticed, the traffic […]

City of Portland PBOT Transportation

Work Central City in Motion (CCIM)

Do you have an interest in Portland’s transportation system in Portland’s Central City? Are you a problem-solver, willing to help PBOT evaluate project designs, weigh trade-offs, resolve conflicts, and move forward with implementing projects in a timely manner?  If yes, please apply to serve on Central City in Motion Working Group!  The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is currently recruiting applications […]


SW Montgomery Dr Greenway extension

Scott Cohen, PBOT’s Program Coordinator for Neighborhood Greenways and Bikeway Missing Links, shared a concept document for a proposed extension of the SW Montgomery Dr Greenway; this section would run from SW Vista Dr eastwards towards SW 14th Ave. This would make a nearly complete bike path from 405 to Council Crest, and if the […]


Safe Routes To Schools update December 2021

Despite construction delays, PBOT’s Safe Routes To Schools program (SRTS) continues to complete work and add projects to SWHRL neighborhoods; most recently, crews installed “crosswalk closed” barricades on the south side of the SW Vista Ave/SW Spring St interesction. A striped crosswalk will be placed on the north side of the intersection. Modifcations to SW […]

City of Portland Civic Engagement Environmental Livability PBOT Safety Trails Transportation

SW Broadway Dr

SWHRL has big news here: previously, SWHRL members cleared up the  path behind the guardrail on the last stretch before I-405, and PBOT removed a small section  of guardrail at the upper end to allow easy access to that trail. This allowed pedestrians to get out of the road, and has seen heavy use, despite its […]

City of Portland Livability Safety Transportation

Greenway and Crossings

SW Montgomery, bike greenway and crossings – The new configuration at SW Patton and SW Greenway seems to be working well, as are the two crossings at either end of the SW  Montgomery greenway (SW Patton, and SW Vista).