Bureau of Enviromental Services (BES) City of Portland Environmental Livability Planning and Sustainability

Large Tree Amendment Discussion, Oct. 2

Portland’s City Council is expected to hold a public hearing on October 2nd to consider a recommendation from the City’s Urban Forestry Commission and Planning Commission to make the Large Tree Amendment a permanent feature of Portland’s Tree Code (Title 11). This crucial amendment, introduced in 2015 and modified in 2020, has played a vital role in […]

Bureau of Enviromental Services (BES) Environmental Gatherings Health Livability Safety

Stormwater Stars 101, Oct. 16

Stormwater Stars 101 Zoom Link Implementing simple practices in our yards and community spaces that allow rainwater to infiltrate into the ground and reduce stormwater runoff can have long-term positive impacts on our watershed health. The Stormwater Stars program offers free hands-on installation workshops that demonstrate yard-scale stormwater management techniques. This talk will discuss why […]

Environmental Gatherings Health Livability Parks Safety Trails

Oct. 5, 9-Noon Marquam Nature Park Event

Mark your calendar for the Explore Marquam Nature Park Event on Saturday, October 5, from 9-noon. There will be fun activities for all ages along with snacks and raffle prizes! There’s something for everyone: scavenger hunts, guided hikes, a stewardship project, a nature photography workshop, and an introduction to iNaturalist community science. Learn more and […]

BES Environmental Parks

Nominate a Champion of Community Trees by Sep. 6

This esteemed award honors Bill Naito (1925-1996), a businessman, civic leader, and philanthropist who founded Portland’s Urban Forestry Commission in 1974, serving as chair until his passing. Through his humor, persistence, and imaginative approach, Mr. Naito inspired individuals to recognize the numerous benefits that trees bring to our city. The Bill Naito Community Trees Award recognizes our […]

BES City of Portland Civic Engagement Environmental Health Home Land Use Livability Parks PBOT Planning and Sustainability Safety Schools Trails Transportation Trimet

Sidewalks on Shattuck?

Proposed Alpenrose Development Comments Due to City of Portland by 8/14/2024 A developer plans to build 133 detached single-unit houses and 130 two-unit townhouses on the 51-acre site of Hayhurst’s Alpenrose Dairy. Effects on Bridlemile may include significantly increased traffic on Shattuck Road and Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. The City of Portland published the “Request for Response” for the developer’s land use application, […]

Environmental Health Home Safety

Heat Advisory Info The National Weather Service warns of extreme heat risk in parts of the Portland Metro Region. Extreme heat can create very dangerous conditions. Those at greatest risk include:  Please visit our Extreme Heat page to learn how to protect yourself and those around you.

BES City of Portland County Environmental Health Home Land Use Livability Parks PBOT Planning and Sustainability Safety Schools Trails Transportation Trimet

8/7, 7 pm Friends of Alpenrose Meeting Online

Grass roots organization is trying to learn city code or policy that supports neighbor comments. As of 7/31, a land use attorney has not been retained. The links to the Request for Response and the completed application documents can be found on the Friends of Alpenrose website. Email to be on the: Environmental Review (33.430), Transportation (33.641), or Land […]

Environmental Health Home Livability Parks Safety Schools Trails

8/10 10a-2p Vista Springs Clean Up

Join us to beautify a central intersection in SWHRL: Vista & Spring. This is a grass roots effort. Please bring your own trowels and pruners, and garbage bags to haul away debris for your green bins. Local plant experts will offer short orientation on weeding and pruning. No need to RSVP. Questions? Email Please […]

Environmental Health Land Use Livability Safety Trails

Neighbors Become Firewise Together

SWHRL has Firewise Community Program– the Governors Park Neighborhood Firewise Community – and Portland Fire and Parks would like to see others formed in our neighborhoods. Firewise Community Program The Firewise Communities/USA program is designed to provide an effective management approach for preserving wildland living aesthetics.  The program can be tailored for adoption by […]

City of Portland Environmental Home Land Use Livability Planning and Sustainability Transportation

PDX Permitting/Development Advisory Groups

Portland Permitting & Development (PP&D) manages building permits, land use, inspections, code enforcement, and public works permits to ensure our built environment is safe and accessible. The following Advisory Groups regularly need community volunteers. Adjustment Committee The Adjustment Committee reviews adjustment requests to the development standards of Title 33 [Planning and Zoning Regulations]. Building Code […]