Applications are being accepted for the SCC, a new advisory body at the City of Portland that will elevate the importance of building resilience and sustainability in our communities to address the climate crisis. Twenty Portlanders will be selected to serve on this new commission, including four youth seats (ages 16-24). Applications are due Jan. […]
Category: Bureau of Enviromental Services (BES)

Folks can REGISTER NOW for up to two trees and pick them up at one of the drive-thru events this fall. Check out the species we are giving away this year! Eligibility Reminder: Why Trees:Trees provide essential services like cleaning the air we breathe, keeping us cool during the hot summer months, blocking noise, and improving our mental […]
Portland Permitting & Development’s recommendation to the Hearings Officer for the Alpenrose/Raleigh Crest Land Use application is now available. At this time, the application does not fully meet the criteria needed for approval, as summarized on pages 60-61 of the report. The developer can provide the missing information before the hearing or ask that the hearing record […]

Portland’s City Council is expected to hold a public hearing on October 2nd to consider a recommendation from the City’s Urban Forestry Commission and Planning Commission to make the Large Tree Amendment a permanent feature of Portland’s Tree Code (Title 11). This crucial amendment, introduced in 2015 and modified in 2020, has played a vital role in […]

Stormwater Stars 101 Zoom Link Implementing simple practices in our yards and community spaces that allow rainwater to infiltrate into the ground and reduce stormwater runoff can have long-term positive impacts on our watershed health. The Stormwater Stars program offers free hands-on installation workshops that demonstrate yard-scale stormwater management techniques. This talk will discuss why […]

Tanner Trunk Sewer Project Update Bulletin Tanner Trunk Sewer Project Contact: Matt Gough, Community Outreach,, 503-823-5352 Environmental Services is constructing a project to replace 800 feet of large-diameter brick sewer pipes located in Highway 26 south of Washington Park. These repairs are necessary to maintain reliable sewer service and protect public health and the […]