City of Portland County Meeting State of Oregon

7/29 – 9/19 Public Meeting Rules Window for Comment

The Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact, redline edits of the Rules, and meeting agenda for the upcoming PML RAC meeting on Monday, July 29, 2024, can be accessed on the OGEC RAC webpage. Meeting Agenda

Public Meetings Law Rules Advisory Committee
Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) is convening a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) for adopting administrative rules on Public Meetings Law; ORS 192.610 to 192.705.

Committee members represent a variety of stakeholder groups, such as the Oregon School Board Association, Association of Oregon Counties, League of Oregon Cities, Special Districts Association of Oregon, as well as state agencies, boards and commissions, counties, municipalities, and members of the public.

Primary Point of Contact: Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming RAC meeting to the Rulemaking Coordinators at or 503-378-5105.

Rulemaking Advisory Committee Membership

RAC Meetings
Members of the public will be able to view RAC meetings in person or online and are welcome to submit written comments to staff throughout the rulemaking process.

July 29, 2024: This meeting will focus on input from the Rules RAC and FIS RAC members on the rules and Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact. August 1, 2024The Secretary of State’s bulletin will publish the proposed rules, which marks the beginning of the official public comment period. Public comment will be accepted until August 30th at 5 pm. August 19, 2024This hearing will be an opportunity to receive public comment on the PML proposed rules and Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact.

August 1, 2024
The Secretary of State’s bulletin will publish the proposed rules, which marks the beginning of the official public comment period. Public comment will be accepted until August 30th at 5 pm.

August 19, 2024
This hearing will be an opportunity to receive public comment on the PML proposed rules and Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact.

August 30, 2024: This is the final day to submit public comment during the public comment period. September 13, 2024This Commission meeting is the date that OGEC rule writers/coordinators will take the proposed rules before the Commission to be voted on. September 19, 2024This is the final day to submit legislative comment during the legislative comment period.

September 13, 2024
This Commission meeting is the date that OGEC rule writers/coordinators will take the proposed rules before the Commission to be voted on.

September 19, 2024
This is the final day to submit legislative comment during the legislative comment period.

October 1, 2024: PML rules are effective.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming RAC meeting to the Rulemaking Coordinators at or 503-378-5105.